Are you where you want to be?

Shared Wisdom: There’s Always More

You all know that I love words.  I am so grateful to the many people who have gone before me and shared their words of wisdom.  I am so grateful that there continues to be a steady stream of wise and intelligent beings who share their thoughts on life and their personal life experiences.  Here are a few that I choose to share with you today.


-  “Feeling healthy and feeling good about yourself is not a luxury – it’s an absolute necessity.”                                  (Anonymous)


-  “I do not pray that you may be delivered from your pains, but I pray earnestly to God that He would give you strength and patience to bear them as long as
     pleases.”                                                                                                                                      (from “Safely Through The Storm)


-  “May your footsteps set you upon a lifetime journey of love.  May you wake each day with His blessings and sleep each night in His keeping.  And may you
     always walk in His tender care.”                                                                                                                  (Anonymous)


-  “In those times I cant seem to find God, I rest in the assurance He knows how to find me.”                                     (Neva Coyle)


-  “God walks with us  ……..  He scoops us up in His arms or simply sits with us in silent strength until we cannot avoid the awesome recognition that
    yes, even now, He is there.”                                                                                                                       (Gloria Gaither)


-  “To be simply surrounded by God’s love and presence is pure JOY!”                                                                   (Chuck Colson)


-  “Joy is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ.”                                                                    (William Van Der Holden)


-  “Fear of trials often depletes more energy than facing them.”                                                                             (Beth Moore)


-  “If God accepts me as I am, then I’d better do the same.”                                                                           (Hugh Montefiore)


-  “Resolve to keep happy and your joy, and you, shall form an invincible host against any difficulty.”                         (Helen Keller)


And as I was writing these quotations, I realized that many of them refer to “God” and to “joy”, and I found myself thinking that those two topics are intrinsically connected for me.  Greetings from the road – New Lisbon,Wisconsin to be precise!                                 
