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Self Nurturing: The Desert Experience

To say that I have been in a “dry spell” is an understatement.  I have been wandering in an arid desert for some time. It has been a month since I have written anything.  Nothing has surfaced to the tips of my fingers during that period.  Life has been happening, as usual and there is little control that I have over it.  It is a good thing that I trust in God to take care of the universe and that I do believe that everything is in divine order, even if I cannot see that.

I have been dealing with bee stings and the consequent physical reactions to them.  No, I’m not completely allergic to them.  I don’t have to carry the little needle stick thingy that some people have to carry.  But I do get very bad localized reactions – swelling, infection, and inflammation, which means a trip to the doctor.

So then I had to deal with antibiotics and tapering steroids, followed by the consequences of taking antibiotics (you ladies know what I mean by that!).  And so, guess what?  Another trip to the doctor.  Which then meant more antibiotics – great!!  The weather then turned “grey” for several days and my spirit, which was struggling to stay afloat anyway, took a nosedive.

Just to add to my personal misery, I took a tumble.  I was having lunch at one of my favorite restaurants, stepped from the carpeted area onto a very slick (read greasy) rubberized part of the floor around the food area, and felt like I had stepped onto an ice rink.  I managed to not fall on my back (which was where I was initially headed), but went down hard on the outside of my right knee.  It’s amazing how something like that can affect the normal routine of life.

First of all I had to cancel my Pilates lesson and make yet another trip to the doctor.  When I walked in this time I asked his receptionist if she had my key ready.  She looked somewhat confused and asked, which key?  I smiled and said, “The key to my hotel room.  I feel like I’m taking up residence!”   I went home with a knee brace and instructions to “RICE” – Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate.  So no Pilates for a few days, no exercise at all for a few days.

Just to let the universe know I was not happy, or maybe vice versa, who knows, two days later I banged the toe next to my little toe on my left foot into a door.  I’m not sure what kept the cuss words at bay.  Perhaps a lot of practicing at reducing this particular defect of character.  After icing it for a couple of hours it turned the requisite deep purple and blue green and I decided I should buddy tape it in case I had broken it.  I made the decision not to go to the doctor’s again just in case he thought I was stalking him.

It is at this point that I remember thinking that I would like to go to the airport and get on the first flight that came along.  Then I thought that maybe that could be to “Small Town, Idaho” (no offense to any natives from there).  So I went out and bought a bar of the best chocolate I could find and deliberately comfort-ate with a nice cup of tea.  Very British of me!

Well the last couple of days have seen a slight shift in the weather.  Not quite so hot and definitely not so swampy.  I love the heat and the sun and I even tolerate humidity, but we’ have had six or seven solid weeks of relentless heat and humidity and I have discovered that it drains me on all levels.  And when I’m drained my Muse disappears:-(.

So the cool breezes and lower temperatures and the lack of high humidity levels seem to have freed my spirit enough to get on the keyboard.  I am hoping that this will continue for a while now because I can already feel some ideas catching up and getting ready to pop out onto the page.  Have a great Labor Day weekend.  

Waiting For God

I have to write about this because it just seems to keep coming up in one way or another in my daily readings.  Patience is a virtue that I have had to work hard on acquiring.  Left to my own devices I’m a “I want what I want, when I want it” type of gal. (Partners well with that “fly by the seat of my pants” personality that I have!)  I love immediate results – yesterday!!

So when I opened my copy of the Daily Word yesterday and saw the topic was “patience” a small inner part of me groaned.  That seems to be my first response to anything that smacks of a personal lesson that I need to learn, or relearn, or reinforce!  Fortunately that response is usually short-lived and I am willing to dive in and look at the lesson.  I am grateful today that I am willing to be teachable.

The title immediately under the topic read: “I patiently await answered prayer.”  And I recognized instantly that I needed to go back in my other meditation books because I knew that I had received this message several times over the last couple of weeks.  Someone was definitely trying to get my attention!!

In the posting that I wrote yesterday, Return To My Spiritual Sanctuary, I quoted from the book The Power of Prayer by E.M. Bounds, (July 8).  Over a period of three or four days in the same book I found the following messages: “Persistent prayer has patience to wait and strength to continue.” (July 4)  And, “Even if God does not answer our prayers right away, we must keep on praying.” (July 6)

Imagine my dismay when I turned the page on July 10 and found the title, “Delays and Denials” and read, “We need to give thought to the mysterious fact of prayer – the certainty that there will be delays and denials.  We must prepare for and permit these delays and denials.”  So does this mean that I have to wait for God to answer my prayer in His time?  He’s not going to respond to my requests immediately?  I am going to have to wait!!

I returned to yet another of my daily books, Moments of Peace in the Presence of God published by Bethany House, where I remembered a title from about ten days ago. And there it was: “Waiting For God’s Timing”.  I took the time to reread this and I would like to share some of it with you.

“ ‘Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation.’ Psalm 62:1

  No amount of worrying can make things happen, let alone make them happen the way you want.  Still, your human nature, bent on trying, rises to the challenge.  What’s the remedy for this all-too-common malady?  Oswald Chambers in his classic My Utmost For His Highest, wrote, ‘When God brings a time of waiting, and appears to be unresponsive, don’t fill it with busyness, just wait ….. If you have the slightest doubt, then he is not guiding.’

  The story of Abraham and Sarah illustrates the futility of trying to make a divine promise come about in your own timing.  Tired of waiting for a son, Sarah took matters into her own hands.  The result was disastrous.  God’s timetable always delivers an Isaac when the time is right.”

This reflection finished with the following prayer:

Slow me down, God, when I am in a hurry and you are not.
Help me to walk with you, not ahead of you.
Teach me to plant the seed and leave the harvest to you.

What a concept.  I need to make this prayer part of my daily prayers.  I need to remember to walk with God and not try to walk ahead of Him.  Imagine that, trying to guide God!  Only someone with the underlying egotistical traits of character that I have would attempt to do that.  So for the foreseeable future my lesson needs to be one of patience laced with generous dollops of humility.   

Spiritual Growth: Personal Prayers

Over time I have been asked to write prayers for different occasions.  I would like to share three prayers with you today.  The first is an “Artist’s Prayer”.  At the time of writing I was following the book the Artist’s Way written by Julia Cameron. 

This is quite an amazing book which sets out a twelve week course.  The sub-title of the book is A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity.  I have actually been through this book twice: the first time alone, the second time (about three years later) with a group of four other women.  I grew immensely both times around.

At the end of each chapter there are a series of “tasks” to be completed before the next week.  The following prayer was one of those tasks.

Artist’s Prayer

Heavenly Father, Artist Supreme,
You are the Divine Creator of this awesome universe.  I humbly, yet courageously, ask You to allow me to be a co-creator with You.

I open my heart, my soul, my mind, and my body so that Your creative energy may flow through my being, that I may experience Your divine talent.  Bless the products of my hands, my eyes, and my mind and let them reflect some measure of your majestic beauty.

Allow me to find and work with others who also seek Your divine guidance, Your artist’s touch, as they work to produce their own creations. Let me grow in light and love as I allow Your divine energy to flow through me.

Amen.                                         ( May 1999)

In March of 2005 I organized a Women’s Day event in my home.  March 8th is International Day of the Woman and while I lived in Italy I held about three of these events.  They were always very well received, so once I had established a grand circle of women friends in Florida I decided to go ahead and plan one here.  There were about thirty women present and this was the opening prayer that I wrote.


ABBA, help me to be humble enough and wise enough to recognize that all people do not call You by the same name, nor do they reach You by the same path.

You are known as God, Allah, Great White Spirit, Kali, Jesus, Grandfather Sky, Buddha, Jehovah, Messiah, LAKSHMI, Shivha, Holy Spirit, Ganisha, Grandmother Earth, Kwan Yin, just to mention a few of Your names.

Today we embrace You in the way best known to each of us personally. We ask that You be present here and bless us with Your love, Your light, Your energy, Your peace, Your joy, and Your grace.

We ask for Your guidance and Your wisdom that You may help us to reach our full potential as women so that we may accomplish our mission on this earth to the very best of our ability.

We ask this in Your name and for Your honor and glory.

Amen.                                     (March 2005)


The last prayer that I would like to share with you is one that I wrote for an evening of fellowship with the women of CRHP (Christ Renews His Parish) at my church. 

Abba, Father, we yearn to grow abundantly in Your grace, just like the carefully tended vine that produces a bountiful harvest. We ask that You prune us when it is necessary, helping us to be rid of negative attitudes and defects of character. Nourish us with Your care, Your compassion, and Your love. Pour the refreshing waters of the Holy Spirit upon us, that we may grow more and more each day in Your likeness and then minister to others as Your disciples.

These things we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.       (September 2006)

I love using the creative word to honor the God of my understanding.  I also enjoy being as inclusive as possible when I am working with a wider group of people than just my church group.  Prayer is a perfect way to honor God, to give Him praise, to thank Him, and to get closer to Him.  And we are all capable of creating spontaneous prayers, words that come straight from the heart to our Creator.
