Are you where you want to be?


Shared Wisdom: More Words On The Path


Often times the words of wisdom that I share have come from many places in time along my path.  These few that I share today have come to me in more recent times.  They have nurtured me on my spiritual path.


“I turn to God not so much for forgiveness but for the power to accept humbly the reality about my imperfect self. I turn to Him for the grace to give myself the forgiveness which He gives freely.”                                                                                 from Happy Catholic

“Clear boundaries are important on the spiritual path because they tell you exactly where your responsibility begins and where it ends.”
                                                                                                                                Paul Ferrini

“Be patient with everyone, but above all with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them – every day begin the task anew.”                                                                                    St. Francis de Sales

“Moments of grace are transient – will we meet this moment and be ready to serve.” and “We are being called into the holiness of wholeness.” 
                                                                                                                               J. Phillip Newall

“Be one to know God. The extent to which I am divided from you, I am divided from God.”        Meister Eckhart

“May you always be overwhelmed by the grace of God rather than by the cares of life.”          Anonymous

“I speak to you continually. My nature is to communicate, though not always in words. I fling glorious sunsets across the sky, day after day. I speak in the faces and voices of loved ones. I caress you with a gentle breeze that refreshes and delight you. I speak softly in the depths of your spirit, where I have taken up residence.”                                                                                                            from “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young

“God comes to you disguised as your life.”                                                                       from Center for Action and Contemplation

“We are not simply made by God, we are made of God – as is everything.”                            Julian of Norwich

“Once you find the light, no matter how insignificant it seems, your life will never be the same again.
A light-bearer never questions the light s/he carries. And so s/he can offer it to others patiently and without fear.”
                                                                                                                              Paul Ferrini

I love finding these words and phrases that resonate so deeply within me, and I love being able to share them out with you.  Blessings!! 

Spiritual Growth: The God Path

As I gathered my thoughts together to begin writing about the Healing Prayer Mission at our church last February, I realized that to tell that story I had to go back to October 2008.  Without the events of October 2008, we would not have had the Healing Prayer Mission this year.  Back in 2008, I crossed paths with a fellow parishioner and friend, Guy, and he told me about a conference that was to take place in Jacksonville, Florida in a couple of weeks. 

He knew that I was a Reiki Practitioner and that I referred to myself as a “healer”.  The conference was a joint effort of the International Catholic Charismatic Movement and Christian Healing Prayer Ministries and was focused on today’s need for Christians to recognize that Jesus invited us, the church, to continue his work.  “Those who follow Me will do not only the works I do but greater works.” (John 14:12-14)  After speaking with, Guy I realized that the conference was a week long and would cost quite a bit of money.  However, he gave me a name and number to call and invited me to trust.

The next day I called the number and told the gentleman on the other end of the phone that Guy had told me to call.  He said, “Ah yes, you need a scholarship; I’ll see you at the conference”.  I was blown away.  This was no two cent deal.  So a week later I attended my first day.  I remember feeling a little cautious as I wasn’t quite sure whether I could handle this “charismatic” stuff.  By lunch time I was raising my hands to the heavens and praising along side hundreds of strangers from countries all over the globe.

I thoroughly enjoyed the next few days.  The people were joyous and worshipped God joyously.  The presentations were both informative and interesting. I loved the informal music group and it was easy to begin to feel free and unrestrained as I learned to worship God in another way, no holds barred.  Every evening at the end of all the presentations and teaching, Mass was said at 5pm by a different priest.  Their were priests from all over the world in attendance and it was beautiful to experience the Mass celebrated by priests from different countries.

On the Thursday evening I had already planned to leave at the end of the presentations because there was an activity that I normally participated in with my Yoga group, and I didn’t want to miss it.  However as 5pm rolled on I felt compelled to stay for Mass. I sat quietly waiting and the music group began playing the entrance hymn.  People began singing and clapping.  Suddenly I was aware of a wave of energy coming from behind me.  I turned around and I’m sure my mouth must have gaped open. 

There was a large colorful group of people coming down the center aisle. Men and women of different nationalities dressed in their native costumes swung down the aisle smiling, clapping their hands, and singing joyously.  Bringing up the rear and rocking and rolling down the aisle was this tall priest who had an energy, a charisma about him that I have rarely experienced in a member of the clergy.  As I watched the procession make its way down the aisle I was aware of one strong thought in my head:  I have to get this priest to our church; we need this priest at our church.

By the end of Mass and after experiencing his wonderful homily, I was more than determined to make this my goal.  My friend Guy was helping behind the scenes at the conference, so before leaving after Mass I sought him out and gave him my “mandate”: whatever you do please get contact information for this priest.  And so it came about that Fr. Jim Curtin from St. Dennis’ Parish in Wisconsin came in 2010 to give us our first Lenten Healing Prayer Mission and returned again in Lent this year.  My church has never been the same since and we now have our own blossoming Healing Prayer Ministry. Alleluia!!

Shared Wisdom: Short & Sweet

I love coming across words that are lush, that have deep meaning, that carry a wealth of wisdom.  I also love economy of words.  You know, that short phrase that says so much with so little.  The following quotations are a combination of those short and meaningful sentences and some that are slightly longer.  All are worth reading and remembering.


“It’s never too late to become what you might have been.”                         (George Eliot)

“It’s hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head.”                       (Sally Kempton)

“When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.”        (African proverb)

“If I don’t have red, I use blue.”                                                              (Pablo Picasso)

“God is a verb.”                                                                                    (Buckminster Fuller)

“Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets.”                                             (Paul Tournier)

“I celebrate myself, I sing myself.”                                                          (Walt Whitman)

“You can only perceive real beauty in a person as they get older.”                (Anouk Aimee)

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”                             (Albert Camus)

“The easiest kind of relationship is with ten thousand people, the hardest is with one.”              (Joan Baez)


Not quite so short but still so sweet!


“Perfection is never about the past or the future.  It is always and only about now.  You are perfect no matter how many mistakes you think you have made.  There is nothing you have thought, felt, or done that prevents you from realizing your perfection right here and right now.”          (Paul Ferrini)

“What a joy for two people – each to be a shady covering for the other.  A place to rest when the sun is too hot or the wind too biting. ………Real friendship grows when we are prepared to be there equally in the bad moments and the good, when we weep with those who weep – and rejoice with those who rejoice.”         (Sheila Walsh)

“The sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic, or intellectual, forms a bridge between the sharers which can be the basis for understanding much of what is not shared between them, and lessens the threat of their difference.”                                                                     (Audre Lord)

“While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside of us.”                                       (Benjamin Franklin)

“It’s great to love, but another person’s love cannot fill the hole in your heart.  Filling up your heart is your responsibility.  You need to love and affirm yourself day by day, moment by moment.  Without your love for yourself, no amount of love from your partner is enough.”                (Paul Ferrini)


And let me finish up with a beautiful short prayer that really uplifted me in a dark moment and reminded me that my God is always there for me, even when I don’t see Him or I turn my back on Him.  My husband Rich forwarded it to me from a web site called which provides “Minute Meditations” each day.  This one came on 5 August 2010.


“Dear Lord God, echo in our hearts at the right moment when life is most unpredictable, that you are never unfaithful and will never leave is.”
