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Freedom: Also a Loss

Last Saturday I completed my last class of the first year of my Audire course on spiritual direction.  So, yeah – I have some freedom; no homework and no going down to Winter Park each month for class.  But, boo-hoo – no more interaction with my very special Audire family until September.  Actually, even though we have finished class for the year, we will be getting together in June for an end-of-year silent retreatSmile.

So, what will I be doing with myself for the next three months?  Well I have about two and a half month’s worth of writing to catch up on.  Between school and travelling and dealing with some chronic left hip pain, I have not done much writing at all.  Travelling is always very wonderful but then it comes at a price:  the trying-to-catch-up-with-life price.  What can I say about pain?  For me it is the sheer loss of energy that I put into dealing with the pain that is almost worse than the pain itself.  Thank God I have received some special healing, which is something else I have to write about.

There is much I need to write about, starting with an amazing Healing Prayer Mission at our church back in February.  Then I had another amazing experience in Sedona that confirmed/piggy-backed on the Mission experience.  And then there was my Qigong experience in Orlando at the end of April.  During this event, the Qi-Revolution, I received yet another confirmation of my Mission experience and also found the “missing piece”, or rather I was re-presented with the missing piece for my health – perhaps a couple of missing PiecesSmile.

So I hope I have given you enough “teasers” to keep you excited as I formulate my thoughts and get the words down on paper.  Actually, on the computer!  Back soon!

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