Are you where you want to be?

Fantasy: The Dandelion Fairy

Tata was feeling very sad.  She sat alone in the garden and a tear rolled down her cheek. She looked around at all the pretty flowers and sighed loudly.

“Why me?” she cried.  “I have been such a good fairy.  I did not pull the wings off the ladybugs.  I gently brush the rose petals so they are velvety soft.  I always help the baby birds who fall out of their nests.”

Earlier that day the Fairy Queen had given all the five-year old fairies their very own jobs.  Now all the flowers and the trees, the birds and the insects, had a special fairy to take care of them.  Tata had been named the Dandelion Fairy.

She was so upset that she did not see the Fairy Queen come into the garden.  She sat on a little rock, her wings drooping, and sobbed loudly and deeply.

“Why Tata,” said the Fairy Queen softly, “what is the matter?  Why are you crying so hard?”  She sat down beside the little fairy and gently took her hand.

“Oh your majesty,” said Tata, feeling very unhappy.  “Please do not be angry with me.  I did so want to be a very special fairy with a very special job.  I have worked very hard and I think I deserve to be the Rose Fairy or the Baby Bird Fairy.  The Dandelion is just an ugly weed.”

The Fairy Queen looked very grave as she spoke to Tata.  “My dear Tata, I think that you are indeed a very special fairy.  In fact, I think you are the best five-year old fairy in my kingdom.  That is why I have given you such an important job to do.”

Tata looked up at the Fairy Queen in great surprise.  She did not understand.  How could taking care of a silly weed be so important?  She listened carefully as the Fairy Queen spoke again.

“You see Tata, the Dandelion may be just a weed, but it is also very important.  It’s leaves are very good in salad, and there are many people who enjoy a hot drink made from them. But the best part is the fruit.”

Tata’s eyes opened wide.  “I did not know the Dandelion had a fruit.  Is it sweet?” she asked.

The Fairy Queen smiled.  “No Tata, it is not sweet.  You cannot even eat it, but it brings lots of joy.  You see, when the flower dies a big ball of white fluff comes in its place.  When boys and girls find these they have great fun blowing them into the air. 

On the end of each strand of fluff is a tiny fruit, the seed, which then floats away on the wind.  When they come down to the ground again they grow into more Dandelions.  So you see Tata, even weeds are important.  Now do you understand why I need you to take great care of the Dandelions?”

Tata smiled at the Fairy Queen.  “Oh yes, your majesty.  Thank you so much for choosing me for this job.  I will be the best Dandelion Fairy that you ever had.”      
