Are you where you want to be?

Self Nurturing: Program Yourself Positive


Our brain does exactly what we tell it to do.  This has been proved over and over again by psychologists, psychiatrists and scientists.  Much of what we tell our brain to do goes on at a subconscious level.

There are programs in our brain that have been stored there ever since we were born.  Some are positive, some are negative.  They represent the  collection of our experiences as a human being from birth. 

Although we human beings are unique as a “thinking” species, we are also rather like robots when it comes to gathering information.  Do you remember that strange robot character in the Star Wars movie – R2D2?  He was in constant “input mode” devouring every thing he saw and heard and storing it into his system.  Well our brains are constantly alert, even when we are babies, and we are constantly absorbing and filing information.

However, a very important thing to remember is that we can start putting powerful, positive programs in our brains right now!  Starting this minute, we can build a store of self empowerment that can help us to improve our level of self esteem.

With a higher level of self esteem we will be able to face life with a more positive attitude.  This new positive attitude can help us to deal with life’s problems rather than run from them.  The quality of our life can improve tremendously.  Remember ….


One of the simplest yet most powerful tools discovered by man is the concept of “self talk”.  What is self talk, you ask.  It is quite simply all of the things that we say to ourselves inside our own head – our internal private conversations.  And no, that is not a sign of insanity!

Whether we realize it or not, self talk is going on in our head all of the time that we are not actually speaking out loud.  Self talk is all of our unspoken thoughts, opinions, judgments, questions, and ideas.  However, our self talk can be a conscious level of conversation that we choose to create.

With practice we can build positive thoughts about ourselves which can help us get through tough situations.  This leads us to feel good about ourselves – thus increasing our sense of self worth.  It is a method that we can use to move out of negative thoughts into positive thoughts.  When our thoughts are positive, our attitude becomes positive too.

There are many things we can say to build our self esteem.  Here are just a few suggested ideas.

  • I am a unique person.  There is no one else in the whole world exactly like me.
  • I am blessed with many talents and skills that allow me to live a full life.
  • I radiate joy and people like to be around me.
  • I am a beloved child of God.
  • I am a worthy, valuable person and I deserve to be treated with respect.
  • I am a sincere and honest person.  People can trust me.
  • I am a caring and loving person.
  • My thoughts and ideas are intelligent and worth listening to.

Why don’t you take some time right now to write some affirmations about yourself.  When you have written them, put your pen down and read them back to yourself.  If you are in a private place read them out loud and see how good it feels to hear positive things about yourself. 

Pick one or two of your affirmations (or choose from those written above), and commit to saying them to yourself every day for a week.  Notice how different you feel about yourself.  Write some more affirmations as they occur to you; continue to say them out loud to yourself.  Learn to affirm yourself often.  You are worth it.  You deserve it.

As a Life Coach, I encourage people to use self affirmation as their number one tool.  It is always available.  You do not need any special materials or any special environment.  It is a tool that can be picked up and used any time, any where.

It is of vital importance to all of us to give ourselves the time we need for ourselves.  We are valuable and important beings.  Just as we would dedicate time to a specific project, so we need to dedicate special time to ourselves.  We are our number one project!!

Any professional, whether they are an artist, a brick-layer, a teacher, a carpenter, or a doctor, will confirm that they have to practice using their tools and skills constantly to benefit the most from them.  Self talk is a tool.  We need to practice using it – OFTEN.  We need to set aside a few minutes each day to practice.  Choosing the time that is best for us we should make it a regular commitment to ourselves.

So let’s all remember:  We have the power to program ourselves positive.  Let’s start doing it now!   

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