Shared Wisdom: One-Liners
Sometimes, as I go waltzing lyrically, crashing blindly, or flying magically through my day, I come across little snippets of wisdom that grab my attention. I reach for a pen and a piece of paper, sometimes I actually find a notebook at hand. Other times, more often than not, I will use the back of a receipt or a parking ticket or some other scrap that finds its way into my purse or on the car floor. (I knew there was a real reason not to clean out my purse or the car too often!!)
And so I end up with lots of one-liners lurking in the corners of my life, and somehow when I come across one it always seems to be at the just when I need to hear that particular gem of wisdom. As I am recording these jewels for future reference, I occasionally remember to include the author’s name; more often than not I don’t.
Sometimes it is already an anonymous quotation and I wonder what circumstance prompted the writer to come up with that thought. But mostly I am simply grateful that all these people had these wonderful thoughts and chose to share them with the world at large. Here are just a few one-liners that I came across as I checked through one of my many boxes of “stuff to hang on to, in case”.
“Some people grumble because the roses have thorns instead of being grateful that the thorns have roses.” (Anon)
“Ask for the grace; He is longing to give it.” (Mother Teresa)
“The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.” (Anon)
“Winners – people who tell you what they did and not people who tell you what they think you ought to do.” (Anon)
“Whenever I have to choose between two evils, I always like to try the one I haven’t tried before.” (Mae West) (I need humor in my life!)
“Don’t look down on another person unless you are leaning over to help them up.” (Anon)
“To accept the responsibility of being a child of God is to accept the best that life has to offer.” (Stella Terrill Mann)
“Saying ‘No’ can be the ultimate self-care.” (Claudia Black)
“If you want a thing well done, get a couple of old broads to do it!” (Bette Davis) (That humor again!)
“What a different world this would be if people would magnify their blessings the way they do their troubles.” (Anon)
“If you haven’t forgiven yourself something, how can you forgive others?” (Dolores Huerta)
“The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.” (Madeleine L’Engle)
“We must learn from the mistakes of others because we won’t live long enough to make them all ourselves.” (Anon)
And just to finish with a final smile……………………….
“Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing!!” (Phylliss Diller)