Spiritual Influence: Of The Author Variety
Over the years many people have mentored me or had a positive influence on me simply by their presence in my life. I have come to understand and accept that everyone that crosses my path is important and bears a message for me if I am open to receiving it. Not least of these are the many authors whose works I have read, some of them over and over again.
Here is a list, not comprehensive I am sure, of those authors that I feel have influenced me in a positive manner on my path. I share this so that you, the reader, may have an idea as to where some of my thought processes and points of view have come from. The names are not in any order; neither alphabetical nor of “importance”. Each author stands on his or her own merit and they have all been important to me in their own way.
The books are many and varied. In some cases I have read many books by the same author. In others I have read one specific book; perhaps once, perhaps many times over. Some of the books fall into the fiction category, some non-fiction. All of them have been important and have in some measure helped to shape the person I am today. I hope the list inspires you to do your own reading.
Julia Cameron; James Redfield; Betty Eadie; Eric Fromm; Leo Buscaglia; Marianne Williamson; Bruce Wilkinson; Judith Duerk; Jim Rosemergy; Hank Wesselman; Ruth Harms Calkin; Madeleine L’Engle; Kahlil Gibran; Max Lucado; Unity Church – Daily Word; Oriah Mountain Dreamer; Andy Andrews; C.S. Lewis; Jean Shinoda Bolen; Scott M. Peck; Alan Jones; Barbara Ann Brennan; Thomas Moore; Thomas Merton; Betty Clare Moffatt; Eckhart Tolle; Jon Cabat-Zin; Ann LaMott; Og Mandino; Morris West; Shakti Gawain; Brennan Manning; Anne Morrow Lindberg; Neale Donald Walsh; Robert Fulghum; Judith Cornell; Richard Bach; Sarah Ban Breathnach; Morton Kelsey; Dr. Wayne Dyer; Teresa Moorey”; Mircea Eliade; Michael Harner; Caitlin Matthews; Michael Fonseca; Angeles Arrien; Rumi; Kenneth Meadows; Gabrielle Roth; Lynne V. Andrews; Ted Andrews; Starhawk;
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